Get more information about business-related licenses and permits and how to get one for your business.
To obtain a business-related license or permit, please visit Town Hall, Monday through Friday, between 8:00 am and 5:00 pm.
To obtain a business-related license or permit, please visit Town Hall, Monday through Friday, between 8:00 am and 5:00 pm.
If you have an existing license, you can renew online, either through our payment portal or through the state consolidated portal:
State Business License Portal
- You must have an SSN or FEIN on-file with the Town.
Town Portal
- You must have the 'Online Access Code' from your renewal letter; see the example below.

If you don't see what you're looking for, give us a call and we will be happy to answer your questions.
Contact Info:
Cheryl Bates
- 202304-BL_Ordinance.pdf
- Town_of_PelzeBusiness_License_Handout_Updated.docx050223.pdf
- BL-new_pelzer_app_for_businesses_4.20.23.pdf
- BL-new_pelzer_app_for_business-RENTAL_PROPERTIES_4.20.23.pdf
Snack and Nonalcoholic Beverage Bars
108 Lebby St, Pelzer, SC 29669
Full-Service Restaurants
101 Highway 20 South, Pelzer, SC 29669
Limited-Service Restaurants
128 Lebby Street, Pelzer, SC 29669
Drinking Places (Alcoholic Beverages)
309 Courtney St Ext, Pelzer, SC 29669